Friday, April 25, 2008

Nathan's Open for Passover

Matzah everywhere! As a centerpiece for the fast-food table, sprinkled into my soup, probably sprinkled into my hair, too, and best of all, strewn across the floor. Yes, it was a messy evening at Nathan's, the only Kosher restaurant (I know of) open for Passover.

Hoards of people and long lines

Of that entire Kosher strip on Pico Blvd. in Los Angeles, Nathan's is all we've got? Yep. And that means dozens upon dozens of Passover-keeping patrons crowding the place, making it the filthy mess it was, clogging the lines, and ordering up all the meatballs. By the time my friends and I got there (at a normal dinner hour, mind you), the menu was cut in half. All we had left to choose from were chicken plates, or deli plates, or soup.

Matzah on the floor - what a mess!

And let's talk about the menu for a second. Nathan's, which is normally cheapo fast-food Kosher, where for $10, you could feed a starving burly lumberman, is price-gouging for Passover. Don't expect to pay $10 for anything, except a drink, or the $4 cup of vegetable soup. Well, ok, the meatballs are $10, but they were sold out. Everything else starts at $13, and the prize winner is a rack of 5 ribs for $30 buckaroos.

Over-priced everything

Here's the entire Passover menu:
Char grilled chicken platter - $14.95
Meatballs - $9.95
Crispy chicken platter - $14.95
Nathan's Famous 14 oz. rib steak - 21.95
Roast Chicken - 15.95
Ribs rack of 5 - $29.95
Deli Platter - $14.95
Deli Turkey - $12.95
Deli Roast Beef - $14.95
Deli Bologna - $12.95
Vegetable Soup - $3.99
Soda - $1.85

Char grilled chicken platter for $15 bucks!

Deli platter for $15 bucks!

Vegetable soup for $4

The verdict:
Still, despite price-gouging, filth, long lines, and only half a menu of options, there was something really cool about being in the only place open for Passover, surrounded by a bunch of other people who all had the same idea as you for dinner tonight. We had fun sitting around chatting as our feet literally stuck to the floor, and the food was surprisingly tasty. The trip was worth it!

But my friends and I couldn't help but joke that for the price we paid, not only had we better eat every last diced tomato off our plate, but we should take home the box of matzah on the table, too. After all, isn't there a serious nationwide matzah shortage?

Nathan's Famous
9216 West Pico Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90035
(310) 273-0303


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lot of fun. The cost apparently covered more than your food; it included live entertainment for your evening! A fun social event!

Anonymous said...

Hi Marni,
I like your writing and I am very impressed by the beautiful food photos you take! Your blog is a lot of fun, just like you.
Aunt Doreen

Marni said...

joyce - yes, definitely a worthwhile trip. though now i need to experience the place with Passover done so I can try their normal cheap menu items.

Aunt Doreen - you found my blog! glad you like it!

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